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Nature's Bounty,

Make it last longer!

Span-eX, an organic solution that keeps fruits and vegetables fresh longer. Our natural, food-grade biosurfactant wash effectively eliminates microbes and pesticides, safeguarding your produce and extending its shelf life. Experience freshness that lasts with Span-eX.

Product Background

Revolutionise freshness

How Span-eX extends produce life

“Up to 45% of fruits and vegetables are lost or wasted annually, accounting for a substantial portion of global food waste."

World Resources Institute (WRI), 2023

See it in action!

Watch as Span-eX keeps the fruit fresh

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Day 1

Without Span-eX

Maximize freshness with Span-eX

An environmentally-friendly choice for preserving freshness in produce

No Artificial Colors
No Oils
No Parabens
No Oxidising Agents
No Chlorine
No Acid
No Phthalates

Moving towards a sustainable planet

Span-eX is potentially contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, thereby reducing food waste and promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Span-eX kills microorganisms on the surface of fruits and vegetables thus increasing shelf life. This aims to ensure healthy lives and promotes well-being for all.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

This aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Increasing shelf life helps the overall economy involved in the production of fruits and vegetables and reduces soil erosion. It also curbs the escalation of prices by minimizing repetitive production.

SDG 13: Climate Action

SDG 13: Climate Action

Increasing the shelf life of fruits and vegetables indirectly reduces the carbon footprint which ultimately reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Also, by using biodegradable ingredients in the formulation, the burden on our planet's ecosystem is completely eliminated.

*United Nations. (n.d.). The 17 Goals. Retrieved from